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Gripping Strategies for BJJ

Join black belt Belt Leigh Remedios as he shares his expert knowledge on gripping strategies for stand up in BJJ. In this in-depth video, Leigh will break down the key techniques and tips for maximising your grip game on the mat. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this tutorial will help you take your grappling skills to the next level.
Gripping Strategies for BJJ

by JJB Admin

A year ago

Join black belt Belt Leigh Remedios as he shares his expert knowledge on gripping strategies for stand up in BJJ. In this in-depth video, Leigh will break down the key techniques and tips for maximising your grip game on the mat. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this tutorial will help you take your grappling skills to the next level.

Leigh is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Traditional Ju Jitsu and Tae Kwon Do. He is a prolific competitor and has competed internationally in martial arts, including the UFC and Polaris. He has won several prestigious competitions, including the NAGA United Kingdom Grappling Championship belt and European IBJJF no-gi gold medals. Leigh runs a Jiu Jitsu and MMA Academy in Wiltshire, UK.

This video was filmed at the 2022 JJB Network Seaside Summer Special.



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