Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood Club Network

Black Flag Jiu Jitsu Club
6960 N. 57th Dr. Glendale, Arizona, 85301, United States
Website: www.blackflagjiujitsuclub.com
Contact: blackflag.jjc@gmail.com

Blackstone Jiu Jitsu
957 N Main St, Blackstone, Virginia, 23824, United States
Website: www.blackstonejiujitsu.com
Contact: blackstonejiujitsu@gmail.com

Centre Line Jiu Jitsu Hove
24 Turner Place, School Road, Hove, BN3 5QU
Website: https://centrelinehove.co.uk
Contact: info@centrelinehove.co.uk

Centre Line Jiu Jitsu Worthing
Unit 3, Southcourt Workshops, Southcourt Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 7DF, United Kingdom
Website: https://www.worthingmartialarts.co.uk
Contact: info@centrelinebjj.co.uk

Foundations BJJ Academy
2716 Atwood Ave, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Website: http://www.foundationsbjj.com
Contact: foundationsbjj@gmail.com

Kingston Jiu Jitsu – Mauricio Gomes Legacy Team
Tiffin Sports Centre, Kingston-upon-Thames, Greater London, KT2 6RL, United Kingdom
Website: www.kingstonjiujitsu.com
Contact: https://www.kingstonjiujitsu.com/contact

Mauricio Gomes Jiu Jitsu Legacy West London
Saint Barnabas Church, Raglan Way, Northolt UB5 4SX, United Kingdom
Website: www.westlondonjiujitsu.co.uk
Contact: ash@smartclix.com

Poderoso Jiu-Jitsu Brotherhood
First location: 2745 Rue Masson, Montréal, QC H1Y 1W6 Canada
Website: https://jjbqc.org/listing/poderoso-jiu-jitsu-brotherhood/
Second location: 8604 Boul Langelier, Saint-Léonard, Montreal, Québec H1P 2Y7 Canada
Website: https://jjgf.com/academy/poderoso-jiujitsu-brotherhood-adama
Contact: info@ricksongracie.ca

Rob Taylor Jiu Jitsu Academy
Unit 3a Gulf Works, Penarth Road, Cardiff, CF11 8TY, United Kingdom
Website: https://cardiffbjj.co.uk
Contact: cardiffbjj@googlemail.com

Triccs Academy
Dulwich College Sports Club, College Road, London, SE21 7LE, United Kingdom
Website: https://www.dulwichbjj.com
Contact: admin@dulwichbjj.com

Vanquish Jiu Jitsu Belfast
93, 95 Ravenhill Rd, Belfast, BT6 8EB, United Kingdom
Website: https://www.facebook.com/jiujitsubrotherhoodbelfast
Contact: cole0781@hotmail.co.uk

VT Jiu Jitsu
Unit 1A Cricketts Lane, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3EQ, United Kingdom
Website: http://www.vtjj.co.uk
Contact: leighremedios@gmail.com
The Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood Club Network is a friendly collaboration of Jiu Jitsu academies.
All of the clubs in the network welcome visiting members from the other clubs within the network and offer two free weeks of training to them. We also organise seminars and camps that provide an opportunity for members to train and socialise with each other and learn from other instructors within the network.
There are no fees involved, and joining is completely free. Please note that we are not an affiliation, we do not offer gradings, and we are not a competition team.