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Top Ten Tips for Jiu Jitsu Beginners

Here are our ten tips to help jiu jitsu beginners get the most out of their training!
jiu jitsu beginners

by JJB Admin

A year ago

Here are our ten tips to help jiu jitsu beginners get the most out of their training:

  1. Find a good school: The first and most crucial step in starting jiu jitsu is finding a good school. Look for a school with experienced and knowledgeable instructors, a positive and supportive environment, and a curriculum tailored to your goals. You should also be sure to check out the facilities and make sure they are clean and well-maintained.
  1. Don't be afraid to ask questions: As a beginner, you will have many questions about jiu jitsu. Don't be scared to ask your instructors or more experienced training partners for help. They will be happy to help you and give you the guidance you need to succeed.
  1. Be patient: Jiu jitsu is a challenging martial art that requires a lot of practice and dedication. It takes time to learn the techniques and develop your skills, so be patient and don't get discouraged.
  1. Focus on the basics: As a beginner, your main goal should be to learn the basic techniques of jiu jitsu. These include the fundamental positions, such as guard, mount, and side control; basic submissions, such as the triangle choke and armbar; and simple sweeps, such as the scissor sweep.
  1. Learn how to drill correctly: Drilling is an integral part of jiu jitsu training, and it allows you to practice specific techniques and develop muscle memory. When drilling, focus on proper technique and form, and try to train with partners of different sizes and skill levels.
  1. Stay safe: Jiu jitsu can be physically demanding, so taking care of your body is essential. Make sure to warm up before training and cool down afterwards. If you feel any pain or discomfort, let your instructor know and take a break if necessary.
  1. Don't be afraid to tap: In jiu jitsu, tapping is a way to signal to your opponent that you are submitting and that the training or rolling should stop. Tapping allows you to train safely without risk of injury. Don't be afraid to tap if you find yourself in a difficult position – it's better to tap and live to fight another day than to risk injury.
  1. Stay hydrated: It's important to stay hydrated during training. Bring a water bottle to class and drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after training.
  1. Get plenty of rest: Rest and recovery are crucial to making progress. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, and give your body time to rest between training sessions.
  1. Have fun: Above all, remember to have fun while training jiu jitsu. It's a challenging and rewarding sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. So relax, enjoy the journey, and don't take yourself too seriously.

Starting jiu jitsu can be intimidating, but with the right attitude and a bit of hard work, it can be an incredibly rewarding and enjoyable experience. Whether you want to get in shape, learn self-defence, or compete at the highest level, jiu jitsu has something to offer everyone. So put on your gi, hit the mat, and start your journey in this exciting martial art today!



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